Ed Tech In the SpEd Classroom

Using Technology to Help Bridge the Learning Gap

Our Gratitude Board!


Ok, so one of the unique things we do at my high school is have what we call a Moral Focus every month.  Each month has a different Moral focus which allows teachers and students to discuss and partake in activities that will help them become better people.  November’s Moral Focus is Gratitude, and I think everyone can always use a little reminder about what they should be grateful for, don’t you?

I started class of by showing my students a video for our Do Now.  Once it was finished, I had them jot down 5 things they were grateful for in their Do Now notebooks.  Once they wrote their 5, they had to select their favorite and write it on the back whiteboard, which was serving as our Gratitude Board.  This way, there was always a reminder as they walked through the door.

After all students from each hour wrote their entries, our Gratitude Board looked great! I plan on allowing them to add as they wish during the month.  Later this month, we will work on writing letters to someone who has made a difference in our lives to show our gratitude.  I look forward to reading them and hearing their stories of when their recipients get them! 🙂

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